Anatomy Trains Structural Integration

 Developed by author and body worker Thomas Myers, Anatomy Trains looks at the β€œanatomy of connection” between the muscle and fascia through the entire body.

Fascia is our bodies connective tissue, providing the framework for our body. It runs continuously from our big toe to the top of our head, encapsulating our cells, each individual muscle fibre, each muscle, our bones, nerves, blood vessels and organs.

The Anatomy Trains Structural Integration System assess which areas of the 12 β€œmyofascial meridians” may be dysfunctional in relation to multiple movements or postures.

Anatomy Trains leads to practical new holistic strategies to improve stability, coordination, and resolve long-standing compensations in postural and movement patterns.

 Soul Care Practitioners who use this technique:

Dr Kat portrait ATSI method

Dr Kat

Dr Zach portrait holding spine

Dr Zach