Advanced Biostructural Correction

 Advanced Biostructural Correctionβ„’ is a full-body, manual protocol-based adjusting method.  ABCβ„’ focuses on detecting and correcting misalignments that the body cannot self-correct as there is no muscle (or combination of muscles) that can pull in the direction needed. When this occurs our body β€œtwists”, or uses other muscles pulling in other directions, to compensate.

Over time, with many such misalignments and compensatory twists posture deteriorates and symptoms can develop. These symptoms cover the myriad of conditions seen daily in chiropractic practice. The importance of posture should not be underestimated. β€œObservation of the striking influence of postural mechanics on function and symptomatology have led to our hypothesis that posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to normal hormonal production.  Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.” β€“American Journal of Pain Management 1994, 4: 36-39

When correctly applied, ABCβ„’ practitioners world-wide frequently observe consistent and predictable improvements in postural stability, marked by the ability of the patient’s body to stay more β€œeffortlessly upright”. Due to the influence of postural balance on human physiology and function, patients frequently report improvements in other areas, such as pain levels, improved mobility and ease of breathing.

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 Soul Care Practitioners who use this technique:

Dr Kat portrait ABC method

Dr Kat